Project Spotlight: Douglasville Town Green

In the spring of 2017, the City of Douglasville initiated a comprehensive planning process under the guidance of TSW. The objective was to develop a strategic vision for the downtown district that included actionable items to boost economic growth. This plan addressed the downtown area’s opportunities and challenges, particularly the redevelopment of the old county jail site and the need for vibrant nightlife and daytime activities.

The redevelopment of the former county jail site is being executed in multiple phases. The first phase, completed in the fall of 2023, includes the Douglasville Town Green and GreyStone Amphitheater. This phase features an amphitheater, the adaptive reuse of two former jail buildings as event spaces, and a multi-use park. The Town Green aims to rejuvenate the downtown area, provide a new public amenity, and attract residents and businesses by creating a walkable, mixed-use environment for community events and gatherings. Future phases will see this green space complemented by new public and private developments.

In the search for sustainable solutions that will last through future phases of this development, TSW crafted a design that utilizes natural plantings and local building materials; reuses water from the amphitheater roof, splash pad, and storm system for irrigation; and features a permeable, 100% recyclable plant-based synthetic turf in the playground to reduce plastic waste and emissions.

But TSW’s commitment to the town green’s sustainability was not solely ecological. This dedication also delves into economic and cultural foundations. With the intent to attract visitors and support local businesses, TSW developed the town green as a public gathering and event space to encourage social connectivity. This level of activity will stimulate future private development in the city center while focusing on growing the local identity through entertainment and vendors.



Image Credits: Garey Gomez Photography, LLC.