Client: City of Suwanne
Location: Suwanee, Georgia
Status: Built
TSW, in partnership with a sub-consultant team, was selected to provide full design and construction phase services for the new 7,100 square foot City of Suwanee Police Station and Training Center. This new facility will serve as a highly visible police presence in the Suwanee Gateway area, providing a walk-up police substation for residents and training classes for Suwanee and surrounding police officers. Additionally, the building will include an indoor firing range with four lanes to provide training and certification for both rifles and handguns.
The design of the building is intentionally civic in nature, with a focus on the public realm. The site design enhances the streetscape with a small pedestrian plaza replete with public art and by locating the parking lot to the rear and side only. The building is also on a grander scale and stylistically, it is more contemporary with the use of clean lines in brick and a lofty glazed entrance. The fresh look of the building helps link it to the nearby City Hall.
The team and client began the process with a very interactive design charrette, resulting in numerous creative solutions to the stated program. Through this process, they were able to devise smart ways to allow the break room to enliven and spill into the entry hall, to demarcate the locker room from the public bathrooms, to deliver two training rooms for the cost of one, and to save on lighting costs as well as stormwater management costs. This approach not only resulted in a functional and visually pleasing design but also a cost-effective one that meets the needs of the client and the community.
The new substation and training center will provide a much-needed resource for the Suwanee community and its surrounding areas. The facility will not only serve as a walk-up police substation for residents but also as a training center for police officers. The inclusion of an indoor firing range with four lanes will provide valuable training and certification for both rifles and handguns, helping to ensure the safety of the community and its police force. The design and construction of this facility is a testament to the commitment of the City of Suwanee to the safety and well-being of its residents.