Madison on the Move


  • City of Madison

  • Madison, Georgia


  • Sustainable Growth & Small-Town Character
  • Community-Driven Planning

  • Safer & More Connected Streets


TSW was retained by the City of Madison to update their citywide transportation plan with policy and project recommendations that enhance the unique, small-town character of the community and allows the city to grow in a healthy and sustainable way. With a robust public engagement process, TSW brought together City staff, elected officials, community stakeholders, and a diverse group of residents. The public engagement process aimed to creatively engage many different voices and perspectives. To do this, outreach efforts emphasized meeting the community where they are via in-person and technology-enabled methods. Specific outreach methods included forming a project advisory group; hosting a public open house at the Town Green; creating an online mapping tool; and making surveys available online and in paper form.

The main recommendations of the plan focus on:

  • Re-routing truck traffic away from downtown and neighborhoods to alleviate noise, safety concerns, and impacts to the tourist experience

  • Considering accessibility and connectivity for all ages, abilities, and modes when making improvements to the transportation network

  • Improving pedestrian safety through additional infrastructure, better street design, and traffic control measures

  • Reducing traffic congestion at intersections and promote calmer, safer driving on neighborhood and downtown streets

  • Ensuring transportation improvements enhance or maintain the City of Madison’s small-town character

  • Enabling safe walking, biking, and carting to daily needs, like schools, parks, and the grocery store, as well as for recreation

  • Providing practical, buildable, and fundable solutions to address Madison’s transportation challenges

  • Reconnecting isolated and disinvested communities by removing barriers and creating new connections