The City of Albany, in partnership with the Downtown Development Authority of Albany (DDA) and the Albany Dougherty Inner-City Authority (ADICA), engaged TSW to lead a consultant team in creating a comprehensive plan for the city’s downtown area. This plan outlines a clear vision and actionable steps to promote high-quality development and redevelopment in Downtown Albany, incorporating Town & Gown Planning to enhance collaboration between the city and local educational institutions.
Building on previous planning efforts, the plan was thoroughly vetted through stakeholder groups and the general public, aiming to sustain and amplify the existing momentum and energy of Downtown Albany. Close collaboration between the TSW Team and other consultants working concurrently on related plans affecting Downtown Albany ensured that all recommendations were cohesively integrated. Ultimately, this plan provides recommendations that are feasible and aligned with the resources the City and its partners can allocate to Downtown Albany.
To guide the planning process and recommendations, TSW developed 12 Big Ideas based on input from stakeholders and the community.
- 1Preserve and Rehabilitate Downtown Buildings
- 2Housing Infill and Rehabilitation
- 3Central Common
- 4More Restaurants and Entertainment
- 5Branding and Marketing
- 6Heritage Trail (including existing Freedom Trail)
- 7Albany Hub: New Mixed-Use District
- 8Invest in Parks and Open Space
- 9Preserve Historic Character
- 10Promote Art
- 11Support Streetscape Improvements
- 12Connecting Downtown and ASU