PARK(ing) Day Recap

PARK(ing) Day is an annual event that takes place worldwide in which participants temporarily transform on-street parking spaces into public spaces. The project began in 2005 when a San Francisco design studio called Rebar converted a single metered parking space into a temporary public park. Since then, PARK(ing) Day has grown into a global movement, with organizations and individuals creating new forms of temporary public space in urban areas around the world. TSW was proud to participate in this year’s event by transforming a 160 square foot empty on-street parking space into an outdoor game room in Tech Square.

At TSW, we believe that it is important to bring attention to the need for more urban open space, generate critical debate around how public space is created and allocated, and improve the quality of urban human habitat. These are some of the key goals of PARK(ing) Day. By creating temporary public spaces in urban areas, we can encourage people to think more critically about the role of public space in our cities and the potential for creative and innovative uses of urban space.

TSW’s parklet at Tech Square was a playful and fun space designed to engage people and encourage interaction. The parklet hosted board games, cards, foozball, and plinko, providing a space for people to relax, have fun, and socialize. We were thrilled to see so many people stop by to join in on the fun and connect with one another.

One of the key benefits of PARK(ing) Day is that it encourages people to rethink how public spaces are used and allocated. By temporarily transforming parking spaces into public spaces, we can demonstrate the potential for creative and innovative uses of urban space. This is particularly important in cities, where open space can be limited, and the demands for urban space are often at odds with the needs of the community. By creating temporary public spaces, we can test new ideas and generate critical debate around how public space can be used to improve the quality of urban human habitat.

TSW’s parklet at Tech Square was a perfect example of how public space can be used to encourage interaction and socialization. By hosting games and activities, we were able to create a playful and engaging space that encouraged people to connect with one another. This is particularly important in urban areas, where social isolation and loneliness can be significant issues.

Another key benefit of PARK(ing) Day is that it provides an opportunity for people to connect with their city and take ownership of public space. By creating temporary public spaces, we can encourage people to think more critically about the role of public space in our cities and the potential for creative and innovative uses of urban space. This is particularly important in areas that are undergoing rapid urbanization, where the demands for urban space are high, and the needs of the community can often be overlooked.

In conclusion, PARK(ing) Day is an important global event that encourages people to think more critically about the role of public space in our cities. By temporarily transforming parking spaces into public spaces, we can demonstrate the potential for creative and innovative uses of urban space and encourage people to connect with their city and take ownership of public space. TSW was proud to participate in this year’s event by transforming a 160 square foot empty on-street parking space into an outdoor game room in Tech Square. We hope that this event will continue to grow and inspire more people to think more critically about the role of public space in our cities.

For more information on PARK(ing) Day and reclaiming your city click here.

PARK(ing) Day,


PARK(ing) Day Recap
PARK(ing) Day Recap
PARK(ing) Day Recap