Hapeville Main Street Town Center Livable Centers Initiative Study was awarded the Georgia Planning Association Outstanding Planning Document for 2006.
The Study focuses on a 900-acre study area within the City of Hapeville. The city, which is approximately 10 miles south of Downtown Atlanta, retains its traditional small town character while grappling with repositioning its downtown core to meet the development trends of the 21 st century. The Study sought to balance this issue of providing opportunities for new development, which would expand the city’s tax base, while preserving the surrounding historic neighborhoods through preserving historic downtown buildings while gradually redeveloping the surrounding vacant and marginal commercial uses into more pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use buildings.
The recommendations for the Study set forth policy guidance for the City of Hapeville to aid them in their challenge of preservation and growth. In general, the Study developed: a Downtown Hapeville Concept Plan for the revitalization of its business district; railroad underpass and overpass strategies to deal with increasing traffic and safety issues; streetscape solutions for “greening” streets while improving pedestrian and bicycle safety; and marketing recommendations to increase high quality residential units to generate increased retail demand and to target specific businesses to locate in Hapeville.

To see a list of other awards TSW has won click here.
Hapeville Main Street Town Center LCI Study Receives GPA Award