Atlanta BeltLine Featured in Landscape Architecture
TSW’s Landscape Architecture Studio has been working with Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. for over a year on the EIS Trail Design and Development for the BeltLine – a 22-mile trail and transit greenway linking 45 neighborhoods and numerous park spaces.
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Ryan Jenkins, ASLA, talked with Jonathan Lerner for an article in the March 2009 Landscape Architecture magazine about some of the challenges of designing the trail and transit corridor, including topography changes and street crossings noting that “creating the vertical circulation from the corridor either up or down… is going to be a key driver in the landscape architecture design.”
The article also discusses how the BeltLine will tie together existing and proposed park lands focusing on Peoplestown neighborhood. TSW designed a master plan for Peoplestown that includes linking two existing parks: Four Corners Park and Daniel Stanton Park. The linkage would be “an adjacent parcel, if acquired by the city, [that] could seamlessly unify them into a 20-acre green space.
But even without it, Ryan Jenkin’s concept would stitch the two parks together. It would reconceive the residential street running between them for five short blocks as a boulevard with extenisve new planting, a multiuse trail along one side, traffic-calming measures like bulb-outs and highly visible crosswalks, and, as focal points, gazebos inside the park at either end. This concept reflects the pervasive concern for integrating the BeltLine’s green spaces into the surrounding urban fabric.

Atlanta BeltLine Featured in Landscape Architecture