5th Street Complete Street Pop-Up Event
What is this Project?
5th Street is a crucial east-west corridor that connects Georgia Tech, the Midtown Improvement District, and the Midtown Garden District. This popular multi-modal street sees a high volume of users every day. However, the existing street and sidewalk conditions on this major connector vary in quality and character, posing a threat to user safety and experience.
The corridor is poised for growth, with current and anticipated future development expected to increase the activity of all user groups. As a result, vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle improvements are necessary to enhance user safety and experience, and make the street more consistent with streetscape environments found throughout much of the Midtown Improvement District.
Improvements to 5th Street will not only benefit those who use it regularly but will also contribute to the continued growth and vibrancy of the surrounding neighborhoods. By improving the safety and accessibility of this crucial connector, the corridor will become more attractive to both current and future residents, workers, and visitors alike.
Who is working on it?
Midtown Alliance with the City of Atlanta’s TSPLOST Program is beginning the Design & Engineering phase of the 5th Street Complete Street project and hired a consultant team; TSW, Alta Planning + Design, & Croy Engineering, to complete the study.
How can I get involved?
We will be engaging with Georgia Tech community and the public in conjunction with Midtown Alliance’s annual Walk Challenge at a pop-up event to gather community input and suggestions for 5th Street and how it can be improved for all users.
We will be set up at the Southwest corner of 5th Street and West Peachtree
Tuesday, April 24th @ 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM